Thursday, October 19, 2017

Easy Way to Supply 1200 Calories in Everyday

If you want to lose weight by reducing your body's calorie intake. you should pay attention to the information below is how to supply the body food with calories with 1200 calories in each day:

The Diet Principles you should hold and use:
Food is diverse and nutritionally balanced.
Reduce consumption of food and sources of calories/energy and reduce fat consumption.
Changing the diet to be healthy and continue the habit.
Reduce consumption of food from 500 to 1000 calories from calorie/energy a day.
Diet is done gradually, by losing weight around 0.5 - 1kg / week.
Know the content of nutrient fiber content.

As for Foods that should be avoided:
Fatty foods and high cholesterol. The food is processed using sugar and sweet-sweets and fried foods.
Food and drink in a can.
Food is preserved with sugar.

How to Organize Eating
• Do not eat excessive snacks.
• Do not eat above 7 pm, when hungry eat fruit.

Feeding Strategy:
• Do not eat while lying down
• Drinking water before eating.
• Limit/avoid fried foods that are cooked with thick coconut milk and oil. so you can use the alternatives can be steamed, boiled, baked.
• Chewed > 20x before swallowing.
• Use small dishes to eat

Things that need to be considered:
• Weigh daily weight to control change.
• Exercise regularly and measurable, at least 3 times a week.
• Be careful to use drugs or supplements, except on doctor's advice.
• If the weight has reached normal weight then it should be considered by eating according to balanced nutrition patterns.
